The Reconciliation Process


The Reconciliation Process:

  • Multiple scenarios that lead to the emergence of children living on the street have been observed over the years. Some of these scenarios are:

  • Out of peer pressure, some children take to the streets in enjoyment of false freedom from very restrictive family members/guardians,

  • Some children from economically challenged families leave on their own volition to work and make money to fend for themselves and support their family members/guardians,

  • Some children are abandoned on the street by family members/ guardians for issues arising from complicated adult relationships,

  • Some were chased out of the house carelessly by family members/guardians to reprimand them, hoping for their soon return which never materialises,

  • Other times, some children get lost in the city and after unsuccessful searches by their family members/guardians, are  assumed to be dead but sometimes are very much alive without their family member’s/guardian’s knowledge.


Conclusively, reasons why children end up on the street are uncountable but the Centre ensures that whatever the reason, the Child and his/her family members/guardians are made to understand the negative effect of street life and commit themselves to preventing any re-occurrence.