The Reunion Process


The Reunion Process:

  • This involves fresh contact after a long time of estrangement between the Child and family members and can stretch into weeks and months. Occasionally, it ends up not being successful depending on the kind of reception offered the returning child. It normally involves the following:

  • Contact tracing: We follow any lead from the child or anyone familiar with their story and try to locate the Child’s family members/guardians. This quest has taken us to different parts of the country in search of information on the family/history of the Child. In achieving this aim, our team occasionally travels with law enforcement officers to ensure the safety of all concerned especially the Child whose contact was being traced.


  1. Meeting with identified Family Members/Guardian: Traced and confirmed family members are expected to validate the Child’s connection to the family in a group meeting and indicate interest in a reunion. 


Effort is made to understand the history leading to the Child’s desertion while missing parts of the Child’s identity (like full names, birth dates and parents whereabouts, where applicable) is linked up. Pictures of attendees from our Team and the Child’s Family are taken and contacts exchanged. 


Our team carefully evaluates the effect of renewed contact on both the 

Child and family members/guardians and the Child is normally not 

released to them until compatibility is assured.


  1. Handover: Starting with a few days of sleepover visits first, then stretching into weeks and eventually becoming permanent, the family members/guardians take full custody of the Child.


As always, our Team’s decision to conclude a reunion is always based on what will be in the best interest of the Child, in serious consideration of the Parent’s consent where applicable.